Participating galleries and artists 2016
Artissima, Italy’s leading contemporary art fair, will return to the Oval in Turin from November 4 to 6, 2016.
Renowned for its focus on the most innovative artistic research and rediscovered avant-garde, Artissima 2016 will feature seven sections—three of which curated—a renewed performance section, seven important awards, an improved fair layout, an involving programme of collectors and curators-guided tours, a new remarkable exhibition with the city’s public and private collections and a surprising parallel project at Turin Airport.
Furthermore, the presence of renowned international curators—among the most important protagonist of the contemporary art world—will be even more active: a great opportunity we wish to offer to our galleries.
As usual Turin will be at its best in November!
With its outstanding network of museums and foundations, this year the city will host shows by Ai Wei Wei. Ed Atkins, Thomas Bayrle, Joseph Beuys, Josh Kline, Carol Rama, Wael Shawky, Rosemarie Trockel.
Main Section The most representative established galleries on the international art scene
401contemporary, Berlin; Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Mexico City; Sabrina Amrani, Madrid; Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, Rome; Apalazzo, Brescia; Art Bärtschi & Cie, Geneva; Artericambi, Verona; Alfonso Artiaco, Naples; Enrico Astuni, Bologna; Piero Atchugarry, Pueblo Garzon; Aural, Alicante; Báro, Sao Paulo; Bendana | Pinel, Paris; Laurence Bernard, Geneva; Boccanera, Trento; Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin;Thomas Brambilla, Bergamo; Brand New Gallery, Milan; Braverman, Tel Aviv; Gavin Brown’s Enterprise GBE, New York, Rome; Bugada & Cargnel, Paris; Cabinet, London; Luciana Caravello, Rio de Janeiro; Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana, Santo Stefano Di Magra; Charim, Vienna; Chert, Berlin; Continua, San Gimignano, Beijing, Boissy-le-Châtel, Havana; Copperfield, London; Raffaella Cortese, Milan; Guido Costa Projects, Turin; Curro, Guadalajara; Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam; Monica De Cardenas, Milan, Zuoz, Lugano; de' Foscherari, Bologna; Tiziana Di Caro, Naples; Umberto Di Marino, Naples; Dvir, Tel Aviv, Brussels; Frittelli, Firenze; Christophe Gaillard, Paris; Rhona Hoffman, Chicago; In Arco, Turin; Antonia Jannone, Milan; Georg Kargl, Vienna; Christine König, Vienna; Eleni Koroneou, Athens; KOW, Berlin;Tomio Koyama, Tokyo; Magazzino, Rome; Norma Mangione, Turin; Primo Marella, Milan; Marso, Mexico City; Massimodeluca, Mestre-Venice; Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris; Mazzoleni, Turin, London; Mario Mazzoli,Berlin; Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo; Eva Meyer, Paris; mfc-michèle didier, Paris; Francesca Minini, Milan;Massimo Minini, Brescia; MLF|Marie-Laure Fleisch, Rome, Brussels; moniquemeloche, Chicago; Monitor,Rome; Franco Noero, Turin; Lorcan O'Neill, Rome; Otto, Bologna; P420, Bologna; Alberta Pane, Paris;Alberto Peola, Turin; Rafael Pérez Hernando, Madrid; Giorgio Persano, Turin; Photo&Contemporary, Turin;Francesca Pia, Zurich; Pinksummer, Genova; Podbielski Contemporary, Berlin; Gregor Podnar, Berlin;Anca Poterasu, Bucharest; Progettoarte elm, Milan; Prometeogallery, Milan, Lucca; Proyectos Monclova,Mexico City; Repetto, London; Revolver, Lima; Ribordy, Geneva; Michela Rizzo, Venice; Rizzutogallery,Palermo; Lia Rumma, Milan, Naples; Richard Saltoun, London: Aurel Scheibler, Berlin; Sfeir-Semler,Hamburg, Beirut; Smac, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Johannesburg; Sommer, Tel Aviv; SpazioA, Pistoia;Sprovieri, London; Taik Persons, Berlin, Helsinki; Tega, Milan; Caterina Tognon, Venice; Tucci Russo, Torre Pellice; Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai; Vistamare, Pescara; White Rainbow, London; Hubert Winter,Vienna; Jocelyn Wolff, Paris; Z2o Sara Zanin, Rome; Zak | Branicka, Berlin, Krakow; Martin Van Zomeren,Amsterdam
Dialogue A new section of curated booths featuring one to three artists in dialogue
22,48m2, Paris; Samy Abraham, Paris; Alma, Riga; Amt_Project, Bratislava; Annex14, Zurich; BWA Warszawa, Warsaw; Car Drde, Bologna; Carbon 12, Dubai; Collicaligreggi, Catania; Vera Cortês, Lisbon; Ex Elettrofonica, Rome; FOLD, London; Iragui, Moscow; Laveronica, Modica; Antoine Levi, Paris; Luce, Turin;MA2Gallery, Tokyo; Ani Molnár, Budapest; Operativa, Rome; Piktogram, Warsaw; Pm8, Vigo; Gabriel Rolt,Amsterdam; Studio SALES di Norberto Ruggeri, Rome; Federica Schiavo, Rome, Milan; Semiose, Paris;The Gallery Apart, Rome; Vitrine, London, Basel; Waldburger Wouters, Brussels; Walden, Buenos Aires;Workplace, Gateshead, London
New Entries Emerging galleries participating at Artissima for the first time
Ab/Anbar, Tehran; Beers London, London; Between Art Lab, Shanghai, Beijing; Cavalo, Rio de Janeiro;Doppelgaenger, Bari; Dürst Britt & Mayhew, The Hague; Ermes-Ermes, Rome; F2, Madrid; Fuoricampo,Siena; Future, Berlin; Nathalie Halgand, Vienna; Loom, Milan; MadeIn, Shanghai; Madragoa, Lisbon; Daniel Marzona, Berlin; Ribot, Milan; Sketch, Bogotá; Untilthen, Saint Ouen
Present Future Solo shows by 20 young artists curated by Luigi Fassi (coordinator), Anne Faucheret, Hicham Khalidi, Sohrab Mohebbi and Wim Waelput.
Igshaan Adams, Blank, Cape Town; Nazgol Ansarinia, Raffaella Cortese, Milan + Green Art, Dubai; Body by Body, Chateau Shatto, Los Angeles; Iñaki Bonillas, ProjecteSD, Barcelona; Julien Creuzet, Dohyang Lee,Paris; Cécile B. Evans, Barbara Seiler, Zurich; Francesca Ferreri, Alberto Peola, Turin; Luca Frei, Barbara Wien, Berlin; Gluklya, Natalia Pershina - Yakimanskaya, AKINCI, Amsterdam; Rodrigo Hernàndez, P420,Bologna; Eric van Hove, Voice, Marrakech; Nadira Husain, PSM, Berlin; Paul Leitner, unttld, Vienna; Renato Leotta, Fonti, Naples + Madragoa, Lisbon; Pauline M'barek, Thomas Rehbein, Cologne; Agnieszka Polska,Zak | Branicka, Berlin, Krakow; Miljohn Ruperto & Ulrik Heltoft, Koenig & Clinton, New York; Kelly Schacht,Meessen De Clercq, Brussels; Beto Shwafaty, Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo; Rosha Yaghmai, Kayne Griffin Corcoran, Los Angeles
Back to the Future 19 museum-quality solo shows dedicated to the rediscovery of the 1970s and ‘80s curated by Eva Fabbris (coordinator), Gary Carrion-Murayari, Krist Gruijthuijsen and Cristiano Raimondi
Thomas Bang, KANT, Copenhagen; Renate Bertlmann, Richard Saltoun, London; Jay DeFeo, Frank Elbaz,Paris, Dallas; Garth Evans, Johannes Vogt, New York; Lars Fredrikson, In Situ - Fabienne Leclerc, Paris; Anna Bella Geiger, Aural, Alicante; Jef Geys, Air de Paris, Paris ; Paolo Gioli, Galleria del Cembalo, Rome; Thomas Lawson, Anthony Reynolds, London; Klaus Lutz, Rotwand, Zurich; François Morellet, Catherine Issert, Saint Paul De Vence; Sadamasa Motonaga, De Primi, Lugano; Pat O'Neill, Monitor, Rome; Gianfranco Pardi, Cortesi, Lugano, London; Michel Parmentier, Loevenbruck, Paris; Carlos Pazos, ADN, Barcelona; Patrick Saytour, Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg, Paris, Geneva; Philippe van Snick, Tatjana Pieters, Gent;Michele Zaza, Giorgio Persano, Turin
Per4m A programme of performances curated by If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution (Frédérique Bergholtz and Susan Gibb)
Mounira Al Solh, Sfeir-Semler, Hamburg, Beirut; Juliette Blightman, Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin; Dina Danish,Barbara Seiler, Zurich; Tim Etchells, Vitrine, London, Basel; Dora García, Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam; The Mondrian Fan Club, Enrico Astuni, Bologna; Ruth Proctor, Norma Mangione, Turin; Marinella Senatore,Laveronica, Modica
Art Editions Colophonarte, Belluno; Dilecta, Paris; Editalia, Rome; El Astillero, Barcelona; L'arengario S.B., Gussago;Giorgio Maffei, Turin; Danilo Montanari, Ravenna; Multipleart, Zurich
For the complete list of all curators involved in juries and taking part to other projects of the fair
We look forward to welcoming you in Turin for a mesmerising experience!
Artissima is a brand of Regione Piemonte, Città Metropolitana di Torino and Città di Torino. Artissima is organised by Artissima srl, a company founded in 2007 to manage the fair’s artistic and commercial relationships and is owned by Fondazione Torino Musei, established by the Città di Torino to support, manage and enhance the artistic and museum-based heritage of the city. The twenty-third edition of Artissima is being put on with the support of the brand-owning authorities, jointly with Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT and Camera di commercio di Torino.
The event involves the collaboration of: Main partner: UniCredit Partners: illycaffè, K-Way, Lancia, Lauretana, Leica, Mutina, Owenscorp, Reda, Fondazione Sardi per l’Arte, Torino Airport | Sagat In-kind sponsors: GL Events Italia – Lingotto Fiere, FR Costruzioni, Guido Gobino, Nemo Lighting, Carloangela Official carrier: Gondrand Cultural partners: Alliance Française, Goethe Institut Media partners: La Stampa, AD, Vogue Italia Media coverage: Sky Arte HD In-kind online partner: Artsy