Marilyn Minter is now 61 years old with a penchant for erotica, metallic paint and bodily imperfections, which is surprising since velvety airbrushed hide is sacrosanct in the higher end of the photography industry where she resides.
"My pictures are all make them nastier."
Minter shows preference mostly for the subversive-Madalyn Murray O'Hair is a noted inspiration (the woman who banned school prayer in the constitutional amendment), she works with hardcore porn as an underlying image reference ("I thought, what imagery do women never touch?) and uses ethnic and mixed race models in her work.
(excerpt from Tar magazine Spring 2009)
Minter: I've tried to put mixed-race models on covers. Five years ago I tried with New York Magazine, and they said, no, we have to sell these.
Wangechi Mutu (Kenyan artist): But they don't realise it would have sold. They're absolutely crazy.
Minter: Yeah.
Mutu: It's like what happened with Italian Vogue. They did a black issue.
Minter: I love it. And it sold out.
Mutu: It sold out, and they reprinted it, and that sold out. People were so hungry to see something a little different.
Minter: Yes! That's the point!

"I was shooting stills of models with long tongues swirling and sucking bakery products from under a pane of glass.
I wanted to make enamel paintings along the idea of 'painting with my tongue"

images via Lifelounge