



Davis Jr.



David Lynch Foundation
Daniel Edlen at his solo exhibition presented by VH1
About The Artist
Daniel Edlen creates art on the artifacts of creativity. Paying tribute to the object and its creation,
he paints portraits of musicians on vinyl records and draws authors in their books.
Edlen studied art from an early age at the Brentwood Art Center. He later received his bachelor’s
degree from UCLA. Combining his education with his love of music, he came up with Vinyl Art,
hand-painted portraiture on vinyl records. After sharing his art internationally in group shows,
Edlen was honored to have solo exhibitions presented by VH1 and to create work for the
David Lynch Foundation. He also has had the amazing opportunity to gift pieces to Lou Reed,
George Clinton and other musicians whose contributions to our culture he celebrates.
His artwork continues to be solicited by large corporations that cater to the music
industry and its audience.
Painted by hand with white acrylic, Edlen uses the unique canvas of the LP to create
dramatic compositions that spark conversations.
As Vinyl Art is derived from Pointillism, so is Liter(art)ure, rapidograph dot drawings
inspired by a high school art project. Edlen hopes to create more of these soon,
portraying his favorite authors.