Fondazione per l'Arte CRT
ZonArte at Artissima 2015
6–8 November 2015
Artissima Fair
Oval Lingotto Fiere
Hours: noon–6pm
ZonArte is the network promoted and supported by the CRT Foundation for Modern and Contemporary Art, bringing together the Education Departments of leading local institutions devoted to Contemporary Art: Castello di Rivoli—Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Merz, GAM Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna eContemporanea and PAV Parco Arte Vivente, in collaboration with Cittadellarte—Fondazione Pistoletto and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
Now in its sixth edition, the ZonArte project assesses and renews its agenda, consolidating its original identity and vocation to develop efficient models of cultural involvement, which it does by presenting art as an experience of knowledge as well as individual and collective growth. The Education Department of the Fondazione Merz is the coordinator of this year's edition, which is dedicated to reviewing what has been done so far while detecting new possibilities to develop actions that are essentially aimed at acknowledging the social value of art. The purpose behind the 2015 ZonArte project's program of activities has been defined by the will to bring attention to the educational role that museums play and give substance to a training process, which involves young students and graduate students from the Fine Art Academies and Universities.
Combining theoretical, analytical and self-reflexive aspects with other more practical ones based on hands-on experience, ZonArte 2015 has organized a conference on the socio-cultural and educational role of contemporary art institutions, along with a workshop that will be followed through at Artissima Fair, where all visitors are invited to attend a series of actions, talks and discussions on the value of knowledge, experience and the relationships associated with the artworks. "Education as a Social Landscape" is the title of the conference that was held at the Fondazione Merz on October 8 and 9, through which the ZonArte network reflected upon the educational role as a democratic basis for the contemporary museum, looking into the reality of art institutions in relation to their ability to involve and include the public. The two-day event brought together Cesare Pietroiusti, Abdelkader Damani, Valeria Graziano and Giorgio de Finis. The results of this discussion will be further investigated at Artissima during talks with other art experts, including Marco Scotini, Piero Gilardi, Ugo La Pietra and Gianni Pettena.
L'opera irraggiungibile. Esposizione di opere attraverso la narrazione, con molteplici dispositivi (The Unreachable work of Art, Exhibition through narration) is the title of an exhibition project that originated from the workshop led by artist Cesare Pietrioiusti. Using the investigation of the nature of the work of art as its starting point, the workshop allowed a group of young students to explore the specific scope of museums, where the issues of education and training overlap with those of accessibility and relationship with the public. Pursuing the work carried out in collaboration with Cesare Pietroiusti, ZonArte 2015 presents its project L'opera irraggiungibile at Artissima, offering its visitors a series of events where the young adults involved in the workshop will try to make manifest what cannot be actually shown. In fact, for this particular exhibition—the term "exhibition" used here not only in the sense of display, but also in the sense of manifestation and demonstration—the intention is to discuss works that can be defined as unattainable, either because they are literally inaccessible or because of their own intrinsic inaccessibility.
Contact Fondazione Merz, Education Department: / T +3901119719792